Terms (club rules) of Midtown Business Club



1. The object and purpose of Midtown Business Club Limited (“the Club”), which is a not-for-profit organisation, is to:

  • provide new business opportunities for Midtown businesses;

  • promote Midtown as a business location and

  • represent Midtown businesses.

2. The membership is open, among others, to businesses, investors and friends, who are committed to ensuring that Midtown continues to grow as a world class business location, long into the future.

3. As a Member of Midtown Business Club (“you”, ”Member”), you agree to abide by these Terms as laid down by the Club’s Board of Directors (“the Board”).


4. All membership applications are subject to verification by the Board and payment of a membership fee. The Board will notify you in the event that your Membership application has been accepted.

5. Membership subscription runs annually from January 1st – December 31st.

6. You should provide correct details when registering. Your responsibility to provide accurate information is a continuing obligation and you must notify the Board in the event that any information provided by you changes.

7. The membership is not transferable and shall cease on death (in the case of an individual) or on the liquidation or dissolution (in the case of a business).

Termination of membership

8.1 A Member can resign at any time by giving notice in writing to the Club Secretary, and resignation takes effect from the date the notice is received.

8.2 Resignation can be implied by a Member’s conduct; for example, if a Member does not pay their subscription for a period of three years this could be seen as an implied resignation.

8.3 A Member who resigns must not hold themselves out as a Member of the Club.

8.4 A Member who has resigned will normally not be allowed to resume membership unless a new application for membership has been accepted by the Board.

8.5 The Board reserves the right to terminate a membership with immediate effect in case of any abuse of privilege of membership by the Member including mass mailing to members or touting members for donations and charitable funding.

Membership fee, Cancellations and Renewals

9. Membership fee is communicated upon application.

10. An invoice will be sent to the applicant, at the address given. Payment will be required to confirm the membership of the Club.

11. Annual membership fee is £350.00 plus VAT. Membership includes attendance at events, unless stated otherwise.

13. The Board will review the membership fee on an annual basis. Any increase in membership fee will be notified.

12. The membership fee is non-refundable. However, the Board may at its sole discretion elect to refund the membership fee in whole or in part depending on the circumstances relating to the cancellation of the membership.

14. If the Board terminates a membership, it may (at its sole discretion) refund the balance of the annual membership fee on a time apportionment basis in respect of the unexpired period to which the annual membership fee relates.

15. Membership fees are due on acceptance of membership application and annually thereafter.

Using your membership

16. The Club is a business networking group. It can be used for purposes of promoting you business and searching for potential new professional relationships.

17. You should not use Members’ details to market to them directly any of your services or solicit donations other than when a Member expressed consent for you to do so.

Changes to the these Terms and Conditions

18. The Board may vary these Terms from time to time and will notify you of any changes in a timely manner. Notification will be by some or all of the following medium:

a. Newsletter

b. The website

c. Email

d. The post.

19. Your continued use of your membership constitutes acceptance of the altered Terms.

Applicable Law

21. These Terms and your membership with the Club are governed by the laws of England and Wales and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Contacting us

If you have any queries or complaints please email info@londonmidtown.org or write to Helen Evans, Secretary, Midtown Business Club, 49-51 Bedford Row, London WC1R 4LR.