Connecting professionals and building business opportunities across London’s Midtown

Midtown Business Club is a not-for-profit organisation, focused on providing new business opportunities, promoting Midtown as a business location and representing Midtown businesses. The Club also supports charity partners each year.

The Midtown area of London broadly extends to Euston Road in the North, the Thames in the South, Farringdon Street/Road in the East and Trafalgar Square/Tottenham Court Road in the West.

Launched in 2007, the Club’s membership includes businesses, investors and friends, all committed to ensuring that Midtown continues to grow as a World class business location, long into the future. The Club invites all businesses with an active interest in the area to get involved.

If you are considering joining the Club why not join one of webinar events?

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Member Directory

Young Professionals Network

Charity Partnerships

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